Hello there bloggerinos! I am back! It has been almost two months since my last blog post, and I feel like I most definitely owe you all and explanation as to why I appear to have disappeared off the face of the earth/net!
Well, to cut a long story short a 'friend' who I trusted to the end of the earth and back betrayed me, and told my other friends about this blog, knowing that I had some very personal things on here. She did this purely out of spite, and has hurt me more than words could possibly describe. But hey, that's another post all together! So she told them all, and they went on to have a look. Obviously, there was an anonymous post where I vented about one of the girls a few months back when I was really annoyed, on top of various other little mentions and whatnot.
The group of girls all read this, and decided to confront me about it in a 4 on 1 very intimidating situation. And from that day onwards, they've been making my life hell. In total, there are now 10 girls who they have gotten involved, all of them with absolutely nothing to do with the situation and who have all only heard one (Most probably infatuated to near death) side of the story. And they have decided to make it their little mission to completely ruin me.
Now, I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have said stuff like that on somewhere with even the slightest possibility of the person it was about being able to see- it would have been really hurtful for the girl to read that about herself. But, nevertheless- it was months ago. I have been using this blog like a diary, and using it to vent. It is 10000000% anonymous, and I didn't even use real names! I can understand why she would be hurt and angry with me- but she has now went on to get the rest of the girls to fight her battles for her, and they have all turned against me and been hellbent on making my life a misery.
And as for the girl who told them- well she's been one of the worst! Let me first explain- me and the girl who knew about my blog (she also had one herself) were very close. It was always us two against the other two- we would laugh at their ridiculous immature behaviour at times, and were grateful to have each other. We shared jokes about them, and now everything that I have ever said to her on a one to one basis has been reported back to the girls by this girl. She has without a doubt been the most two faced person- and after we were supposedly so close! It has really hurt me, and I sincerely doubt I will be able to trust anyone in the near future! The other girls take the piss out of her so much and just the other day, they put paint all over her self portrait in art. Just one example of that so called 'friendship'!
I will tell you the truth- I'm pretty grateful now that I am out of that group! Whilst I may not be in a close group of friends just yet, it has given me the chance to see (the hard way) What horrible people they are. It wasn't a friendship- they are all permenantly bitching about one another behind each others backs! I think for teenage girls, bitching and gossiping is a given- but not about youre own so called 'best friends!' Also, they are always being mean to people. And that is really not the type of person I want to be!
My life in school over the past three weeks has not been easy. They've been hiding my stuff, laughing at me, saying stuff loudly to try and aggravate me, locking me out of classrooms and every other pathetic immature little trick in the book. But I've got through it! I am not letting them get to me! One time, I snapped at one of the girls and called her a pathetic immature little bitch. But I was so furious- it was either going to be saying that or slapping her!! And I do think I chose the right option!
So, I've been trying to keep my head down and not post anything for a whilst, and have had to change my url :( But for those of you who have found me again, welcome back!! I'm going to carry on posting as usual now, and I really don't give two fucks what they think :)
See you all soon!!!
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